About Sun West, Mission, Vision and Values

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Members of the Sun West Board of Education with students Sun West sponsored to attend the 2023 Canadian Student Leadership Conference in St. John, New Brunswick in the fall of that year.

The Sun West School Division lies within Treaty 6 and Treaty 4 and the homeland of the Métis Nation and is located in west-central Saskatchewan. It provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 education to over 4700 students. Led by an elected consisting of nine individuals who are deeply committed to advancing the aspirations of young people, Sun West employs a dedicated staff of approximately 1300 people on a full-time, part-time, contract and substitute basis that includes teachers, educational assistants, bus drivers as well as maintenance and student services personnel.

Read the most recent Sun West Annual Report.

Read the most recent Sun West Report to the Community.

Success for All

Sun West Vision Statement

Learning Together

Sun West Mission Statement

Sun West Values

Success in Sun West School Division is achieved through commitment to shared values.


We value individual and organizational accountability. We champion responsibility toward each other as individuals, as governing bodies, schools, and communities.


We value a culture of mutual respect, trust, and understanding. We champion the creation of safe, positive, caring environments.


We value collaborative and cooperative relationships, which promote responsible citizenship and the appreciation of rural culture.  We strive to be approachable, active listeners who openly share information, express our ideas, and attempt to understand the ideas of others.

Lifelong Learning

We value teaching the whole child in learning environments that develop the student’s potential. We strive to provide meaningful, creative, and innovative learning opportunities.


We value responsible leadership, which is committed to creating and maintaining a positive and productive Division. We strive for excellence in teamwork and shared effective leadership in our Division.

The Sun West School Division includes 42 schools. Of these, 13 are Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools, six are elementary schools, one is a middle school, three are high schools and 19 are Hutterite colony schools. The map below indicates the locations of schools that are not part of Hutterite colonies as well as the location of the division within Saskatchewan.