School Community Councils

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Video above features SCC members discussing the value of networking with SCC members from other schools.

Over 250 parents, community members, secondary students, teachers and school-based administrators are members of School Community Councils (SCCs) in 23 Sun West schools.

SCCs play a crucial leadership role in advancing education in the Division and across Saskatchewan.

Through an advisory and practical manner, SCCs assist school administrators and the Board of Education in the following key areas:

  • developing shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all children and youth;
  • encouraging and facilitating parent, community and youth engagement in school planning and improvement processes;
  • delivering educational and extracurricular programs; and
  • providing the school and division with a critical link to facilitate understanding of the community.
  • school learning improvement and student
  • enhancing family and community engagement;
  • review of school finance and other activities;
  • School Community Council development.

School Community Councils are an essential feature of educational planning and decision-making.

They are part of the school system and are a primary link between the home, community and school.

Roles and Responsibilities

SCC members are involved in:

  • school learning improvement;
  • enhancing family and community engagement;
  • review of school finance and other activities;
  • School Community Council development.

School Learning Improvement Plan

The central purpose of School Community Councils is to encourage and support the involvement of parents and community as partners to improve student learning and well- being.

Each fall, SCC members are invited to join the school staff in the development of the school’s learning improvement plan. They contribute a parent and community perspective into areas for improvement. Planning results in actions that the staff takes with students and parents. These actions involve the staff and SCC working together. When schools and SCCs work together good things happen for students.

Family and Community Engagement

School Community Councils encourage and facilitate parent and community engagement in all aspects of school life. When parents are involved in their child’s learning, students do better in school and everyone benefits. Parents find it easier to help their children learn. Teachers and principals are better supported and enjoy positive relationships with parents.

Research shows that children with involved parents:

  • get better grades and score higher on tests;
  • attend school regularly;
  • have better social skills;
  • get their homework done;
  • are more positive about school; and
  • are more likely to graduate and go on to higher education.

(Henderson, Anne T. & Mapp, K. [2002]. A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family and Community Connections on Students)

Sun West School Division SCCs:

  • recognize the importance of parents/families in identifying and addressing children’s needs.
  • help build positive relationships and create a welcoming school climate.
  • support parents and make families feel valued and connected.
  • view all parents/families as important and equal partners in their children’s well-being.
  • focus on families' skills and strengths.
  • build strong connections between schools and community organizations.
  • engage in planning that creates and promote multiple opportunities for parents and the community to participate in school activities.

Sun West SCCs are committed to:

  • recognizing the importance of parents/families in identifying and addressing children’s needs;
  • contributing to building positive relationships and creating a welcoming school climate;
  • supporting parents to help families feel valued;
  • supporting parents/families as important; and
  • building strong connections between schools and community organizations; and
  • working collaboratively with the school staff to promote multiple opportunities for parents and the community to participate in school activities.

This informative guidebook is now available to School Community Councils and you can click here to view and download a PDF version.

The Guidebook includes information on:

  • The Sun West Governance Structure
  • Sun West Mission and Vision Statements as well as its Guiding Principles
  • The Sun West Personalized electronically Blended Learning philosophy (PeBL)
  • Curricular and Extracurricular programs
  • Career Education
  • Student Leadership Programs
  • Sun West Resource Bank
  • and much more!


If you are interested in becoming an SCC member talk to your school principal about how you can get involved or call the Sun West School Division office and ask to speak to the Division SCC Representative. The partnership among families, schools and communities creates the best opportunities for students to reach their potential as students and people. We welcome you to our team.

How Students Benefit from SCCs

  • Increased involvement in classroom activities and a more positive attitude towards homework:
  • Improved grades and graduation rates; and
  • Higher attendance rates and greater enrollment in post-secondary education.

How Parents Benefit from SCCs

  • Enhanced communication between parents, administrators and teachers;
  • More opportunities for learning activities in the home; and
  • Better understanding of how schools operate.

How Communities Benefit from SCCs

  • Increased cost-effectiveness due to the pooling of time, money and effort.
  • Strengthened community pride through involvement in the school’s achievements.