Human Resources-Job Descriptions and Collective Agreements

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Through the Saskatchewan School Boards Association, Sun West offers an excellent Employee Assistance Program provided by the ComPsych Corporation. It includes counselling, legal and financial consultation, work-life assistance and crisis intervention services to all Sun West employees and their household family members. Click here for more information.

Non-teaching Staff Job Descriptions

In addition to teachers, the Sun West School Division employs individuals in a number of other important roles. The links below provide access to the job descriptions of several of these positions.

Collective Agreements


Teachers employed in Sun West School Division are covered by a provincial agreement and a local agreement.

Sun West Teachers’ Local Bargaining Agreement December 1, 2023 to August 31, 2028

The Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement may be accessed from the link below:

Saskatchewan Teachers’ Provincial Agreement

Teachers may contact Sun West Human Resources or SWTA (Sun West Teachers’ Association) for questions.

Non-teaching Staff

Non-teaching school-based employees are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 4802. Benefits and working conditions are outlined in the collective agreement.

CUPE Local 4802 Collective Agreement Sept. 1, 2021 to Aug. 31, 2024

CUPE Website Link

Payroll Information

Benefits Information