Board of Education-Public Meetings

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The above video is of the most recent Sun West Online Public Meeting.

Every year since its inception in 2006, Sun West had held a Public Meeting to provide information to the community about its programming and operations. Originally these were Annual General Meetings held in person in Rosetown, however, starting in 2018, the AGMs were moved to online. The Board felt that with the school division being so large, and travel distances being so great, an online broadcast would reach more people. Although the Ministry of Education discontinued the requirement that school divisions hold AGMs, Sun West continues to hold annual, online Public Meetings because the Board of Education feels it is important to continue providing the community with updates on programming and operations.

Sun West Online Public Meetings are open to all community members to attend and the members of each School Community Council in Sun West gather at their schools to watch and participate in the online Public Meetings.

You can view some of the past online Public Meetings below:

2022 Sun West Online Public Meeting

2015 Sun West Online Annual General Meeting

2018 Sun West Annual General Meeting