PowerPlay: Youth Entrepreneurs

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The video above features interviews with students who were part of the PowerPlay: Youth Entrepreneurs program in Sun West schools.

The PowerPlay: Youth Entrepreneurs program gives students the opportunity to build their own businesses, develop their own products and sell them to their fellow students, their parent/caregivers and the general public.

PowerPlay is a national organization that was founded in British Columbia in 1999. Its purpose is to provide authentic learning experiences for young people that will allow them to try out new skills in meaningful, real-world contexts. The national organization provides participating schools with resource materials and videos to help teachers implement the program in their classrooms. Key elements of the program are supporting students develop their own businesses. Students will develop business plans, conduct market research, carry out marketing and branding and launch products of their own creation at PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs Fairs where they sell their products.

Click here to learn more about PowerPlay.

Students can use the skills and experience they acquire in PowerPlay in other ways as they advance through school. The video below shows an example of this from Loreburn Central School.

For more information about PowerPlay in Sun West contact Kirsten McLean at kirsten.mclean@sunwestsd.ca