School Year Calendar

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Every year, the Sun West Calendar Committee that includes representatives from all employee groups, the Board of Education, SCCs and students is responsible for developing a draft school year calendar. They usually survey Sun West employees and parent/caregivers to consider options for the next year's Sun West school year calendar. This Committee met during the 2023-24 school year to review options and distributed a survey outlining various calendar options. Nearly 1000 people provided feedback through this survey.

The committee considered the survey results in its recommendations to the Board of Education, which approved the calendar below at its March 2024 meeting. This calendar has been subsequently approved by the Ministry of Education. A revision to this calendar was later made to accommodate provincial exam schedules. The calendar below and with the PDF link is the updated, approved 2024-25 Sun West School Year Calendar.

Click here to view and download a PDF version of the 2024-25 School Year Calendar.