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The key elements of the Sun West Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) program are:

  • developmentally-appropriate education
  • active, experiential learning through play
  • comprehensive integrated program within a prepared environment
  • child-centered, self-directed choice
  • focused on development of the whole child; physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual
  • honouring of all cultures
  • mixed-age groupings
  • a minimum of 12 hours per week
  • offered by staff with teaching degrees

What schools offer Pre-K?

The following schools offer a Pre-K program:

How are students selected for Pre-K?

A school-based team from each school will select children to be included in the class.

How are children referred children to Pre-K?

Parents and any agency, with the consent of the family or the parent(s) can refer children to Pre-K. Among the agencies that have made referrals are:

  • The Saskatchewan Health Authority including Public Health Nurses, Family Support Workers and Early Childhood Therapists.
  • Ministry of Social Services
  • Early Childhood Intervention Programs
  • Parent Support Programs
  • Parent Mentoring Programs
  • Schools
  • Licensed daycares and play schools

Where are referral forms available?

Referral forms are available at Biggar Central School 2000, Outlook Elementary School, Walter Aseltine School, Westberry School, the Biggar Family Support Centre, Public Health offices and the Sun West School Division office. If a child is already attending a licensed daycare or playschool, the referral is done most effectively in consultation with that provider.

For further information contact:
Meaghan Friedrick
Superintendent of Student Support Services
Sun West School Division