School Community Councils-Success Stories

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Sun West School Community Council representatives that participated in the annual SCC Chairs meeting in Rosetown on January 23, 2024. (Back: left to right) Zdena Mutlow (RCHS),Tara Bokitch (Loreburn), Melissa Walker (Elrose), Jennifer Pittman(Eston), Kim Becker (Eaton), Melissa Haugen (Beechy), Desiree Seime (NWCS),Amanda Richardson (Kyle), Jaclyn Davis (Kyle) and Rhonda Heather (BCS2000)(Front: left to right) Chantelle Benjamin (D’Arcy),Danielle Renaud (Westberry),Elice Fuhr (Elizabeth), Cheryl Glass (Kindersley Composite), Tanya Ellis(Dinsmore) and Gloria Simonson (Lucky Lake).

Making Your SCC a Success

School Community Councils (SCCs) play a pivotal role in fostering family and community engagement within the Sun West School Division. These councils are instrumental in creating a supportive and inclusive environment that enhances student learning and development. This article highlights the successful initiatives undertaken by various SCCs, showcasing their innovative approaches to building strong school communities.

Welcoming All Families into the School Community

Creating a welcoming atmosphere for all families is a fundamental goal for SCCs. Several initiatives have been implemented to ensure that new families feel valued and connected:

  • Welcome Events: SCCs have organized welcome back dances and BBQs to introduce new families to the school community. These events provide an opportunity     for families to meet staff and other parents, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Buddy Systems: To support new families, some SCCs have established buddy systems where existing families or teachers provide help and guidance.
  • Cultural Showcases: Schools have encouraged students from diverse backgrounds to share their cultures through presentations and celebrations, promoting     inclusivity and understanding.

Communicating Effectively

Effective communication between families and school staff is crucial for student success. SCCs have employed various strategies to enhance communication:

  • Diverse  Communication Channels: Utilizing emails, texts, social media, and newsletters, SCCs ensure that all families are kept informed. Tailoring     communication methods to parents’ preferences has proven effective.
  • Regular Updates: Weekly letters home from students, social media posts, and face-to-face meetings keep families updated on their child’s progress and school activities.
  • Positive Feedback: Sharing positive news and achievements with families helps build a positive rapport and encourages ongoing engagement.

Supporting Student Success

Collaboration between families and school staff is vital for supporting student learning and development. SCCs have implemented several initiatives to enhance this collaboration:

  • Parent  Workshops: Workshops on topics such as literacy, math skills, and homework help equip parents with the tools to support their child’s learning at home.
  • Joint Goal Setting: Involving parents in setting learning goals and     developing learner profiles ensures that they are aware of their child’s strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Resource Centers: Establishing parent resource centers with materials and games that reinforce learning at home has been beneficial.

Speaking Up for Every Child

Empowering families to advocate for their children ensures that all students have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed. SCCs have focused on:

  • Advocacy Training: Providing parents with the tools and knowledge to advocate effectively for their children, including training on communication skills and understanding educational policies.
  • Open Communication: Maintaining open lines of communication between parents and school staff encourages parents to share their concerns and suggestions.
  • Parent Leadership: Developing parent leaders who can represent the interests of all families and work with school staff to improve the educational environment.

Sharing Power

Families and school staff working as equal partners indecision-making processes ensures that policies and programs reflect the needs and preferences of the entire school community. SCCs have adopted several approaches to share power:

  • Inclusive Decision-Making: Involving parents in planning school programs, setting goals, and developing policies through committees, focus groups, and surveys.
  • Transparency: Sharing information about school performance, policies, and initiatives with families and seeking their input on solutions.
  • Parent Representation: Ensuring that parent representatives on school committees reflect the diversity of the school community.

Collaborating with the Community

Building strong partnerships with community members and organizations enhances learning opportunities and provides additional resources for students and families. SCCs have successfully implemented the following strategies:

  • Community Partnerships: Developing partnerships with local businesses, organizations, and community members to support school programs and activities.
  • Guest Speakers and Mentors: Inviting community members to share their knowledge and skills with students through guest speaker sessions and mentorship programs.
  • Community Events: Hosting events that bring together students, families, and community members, such as career fairs, cultural nights, and community service projects.

Examples of Successful Initiatives

The following examples highlight some of the successful initiatives undertaken by SCCs within the Sun West School Division:

  • Fundraising Campaigns: SCCs have organized various fundraising events, such as toy bingo fundraisers, to support school projects and refurbish playgrounds.
  • Community Engagement Events: Hosting events like movie nights, welcome back dances,     and pancake breakfasts to foster community spirit and engagement.
  • Educational  Support: Providing resources and support for literacy and math through     initiatives like book exchanges, literacy scavenger hunts, and math family     fun nights.
  • Student  Recognition: Recognizing student achievements through awards and legacy     programs, where students receive books to read and donate back to the     school.
  • Health and Wellness: Promoting healthy lifestyles by providing healthy snacks,     organizing anxiety workshops, and supporting mental health initiatives.
  • Cultural and Heritage Activities: Celebrating cultural diversity and heritage     through events like heritage fairs, cultural presentations, and family     heritage nights.
  • Community Service: Encouraging students to engage in community service projects,     such as building walking trails and participating in community clean-up     days.
  • Support for Teachers: Providing catered lunches and appreciation events for     teachers to acknowledge their hard work and dedication.


The success of SCCs within the Sun West School Division is a testament to the power of collaboration and community engagement. By implementing innovative initiatives and fostering strong partnerships, SCCs have created a supportive and inclusive environment that benefits all students. These examples serve as a model for other schools looking to enhance family and community engagement and build a thriving school community.