Provincial Education Plan

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The long-term Provincial Education Plan focuses on supporting all Prekindergarten to Grade 12 students in learning what they need for their future, ensuring they feel safe and are supported. The plan aligns with the goals of Saskatchewan's Growth Plan to build a strong economy, strong communities and strong families

The plan was developed collaboratively with direct involvement of the education sector, Indigenous organizations, post-secondary education institutions, and school community councils representing parents. All 27 boards of education have endorsed the priorities in the plan, which unite partners in a shared vision, focus efforts on improved results and encourage collaborative work across the province through four key priorities:

  • Learning and Assessment - improve student outcomes through effective assessment and instruction;
  • Indigenous Education - support Indigenous student success;
  • Mental Health AND Well-Being - equip students with tools and resources for mental health and well-being; and
  • Student Transitions - focus on student and family engagement and prepare students for their future.

Click here for a PDF version of the Provincial Education Plan 2030.