Operations-School Bus Safety

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The safety of students is of the utmost importance to the Sun West School Division.

Click here for Saskatchewan Government Insurance School Bus Safety requirements.

Click here for Saskatchewan School Boards Association guidelines on Student Transportation Safety.

When Approaching and Passing a Stopped Bus

The biggest threat to children on school buses are motorists who pass when students are getting on or off a bus.

When approaching a school bus, begin to slow down as soon as the flashing amber or red stop lights come on. This is your warning that the bus is either getting ready to stop or has already come to a full stop. You're not allowed to pass the bus in either direction once the flashing red or amber/red lights and stop arm are activated.

Keep in mind that not all buses use red or amber/red combination flashing lights and stop arms. Drivers need to make sure they know the school bus rules in their community, and always be careful when approaching a school bus.

Student Loading Zones

Traffic congestion in school bus loading zones can lead to a collision. It's safer to avoid driving in these areas but if in a loading zone, drivers must obey all signs and signals, and watch for children who may not know the rules for crossing the street.

Never park in a school bus loading zone because it adds to the congestion, and makes it difficult for drivers to see students and for students to see oncoming vehicles. There is also a heavy fine for parking in these zones.

What Students Should Know

Students should follow these safe habits:

  • Always stand three metres (two arms' lengths) away from the curb when waiting for the bus. Drivers may not be able to see students if they are too close to the road.
  • Walk up to the bus only when it has come to a complete stop and the driver has opened the door. If students try to get on or off the bus too soon, they could get hurt.
  • Be a considerate passenger. Find a seat as soon as you get on the bus and stay in that seat for the entire ride.
  • It's okay to talk, but keep voices down and pay attention to the bus driver.
  • Buses have large blind spots behind, in front of and beside the bus. When getting off the bus, move quickly and safely through these areas, making sure the bus driver can see you.
  • Be careful with clothing that has drawstrings. The strings may get caught in the handrail on the door. Tuck the strings into your clothing or cut them off completely.

Seatbelts and School Buses

Seat belts are not used in the regular operation of school buses because of the padding and design of bus seats that provide for the “safety compartmentalizing of the student.” Transport Canada bus testing has shown that bus seats provide for less injury to students than a properly fitted lap seatbelt in the event of an accident. The design and testing of school bus seating and the bus vehicle chassis provide the best safety for students.

Click here for more information about seatbelts and school buses

School Bus Handbook and Fire Extinguisher Safety Video