BCS2000 Teachers Visit Ancient Echoes

August 28, 2024
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As part of their professional development days, prior to the start of the school year, teachers from Biggar Central School 2000 (BCS2000) travelled to Ancient Echoes Interpretative Centre in Herschel.

Ancient Echoes offers outdoor tours of Paleontology sties, prairie grasslands and Indigenous history and in-door exhibits including dinosaur and other fossils, artifacts, and a permanent art exhibition called "The Disappearance of the Buffalo" by Métis artist Jo Cooper.

In the morning, the teachers visited petroglyphs, rock effigies, ceremonial circles, a buffalo jump and food processing site that were used by Indigenous people. In the Afternoon the teachers worked in the Valley View Tea room that is part of the Centre. There they reviewed student responses to a survey on developing a Land Acknowledgment for BCS2000 and wrote a first draft.

More pictures can be found on Sun West social media pages.