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Teacher Handbooks and Documents

Teacher Handbooks and Documents
1.0 Teacher Professional Practice
August 13, 2024
2.0 TPPH Learning Together Package
July 24, 2024
2.1 TPPH Self-Reflection (Classroom Teachers)
July 24, 2024
2.2 TPPH Self-Reflection (Student Support Teachers)
July 24, 2024
2.4 TPPH Self-Reflection (Prekindergarten Teachers)
July 24, 2024
2.5 TPPH Self-Reflection (Career Development Teachers)
July 24, 2024
2.6 TPPH Self-Reflection (Distance Learning Teachers)
July 24, 2024
2.7 TPPH Self-Reflection (Technology Coaches)
July 24, 2024
2.8 TPPH Self-Reflection (Learning Consultants)
July 24, 2024
3.0 TPPH Action Plan
July 24, 2024
3.1 Teacher Professional Growth Plan (Chart)
July 24, 2024
3.2 Teacher Professional Growth Plan (Concept Map)
July 24, 2024
3.3 Teacher Professional Growth Plan (Framework)
August 13, 2024
3.4 Teacher Professional Growth Plan (Smart Tree Diagram)
July 24, 2024
3.5 TPPH Portfolio Review
July 24, 2024
3.6 TPPH Year End Reflection
July 24, 2024
3.7 Walk-through Supervision Template
July 24, 2024
3.8 TPPH Data Collection
July 24, 2024
4.1 TPPH Professional Performance Appraisal (Classroom Teacher)
July 24, 2024
4.2 TPPH Student Support Teacher Professional Practice Self-Reflection
July 24, 2024
4.4 TPPH Professional Performance Appraisal (PreK and Kindergarten)
July 24, 2024
4.5 TPPH Professional Performance Appraisal (Career Development and CWEX)
July 24, 2024
4.7 TPPH Professional Performance Appraisal (Technology Coachs and Itinerants)
July 24, 2024
4.8 TPPH Professional Performance Appraisal (Learning Consultant)
July 24, 2024