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300 Students

300 Students
300 AP Admission of Students
July 12, 2024
300-1 Form School Enrollment
July 12, 2024
300-2 Form Colony Student Registration
July 12, 2024
300-3 Form School Enrollment - Funding Confirmation September 30
July 12, 2024
300-4 Form Student Residency Checklist
July 12, 2024
302 AP PreKindergarten Admission
July 12, 2024
302-1 From PreKindergarten Program Referral
July 12, 2024
302-2 Form PreKindergarten Criteria
July 12, 2024
303 AP Kindergarten Admission
July 12, 2024
304 AP International Student Admission
July 12, 2024
304-1 Form Application for International Student
July 12, 2024
306 AP Attendance at Schools Out of Attendance Area
July 12, 2024
310 AP Student Supervision
July 12, 2024
315 AP Illness and Injuries at School
July 12, 2024
315-1 Form School Incident Report for Insurance Purposes
July 12, 2024
315-2 Form Employee Exposure Incident
July 12, 2024
315-3 Form Incident Assessment
July 12, 2024
316-2 Form Provision of Non-Prescription Medication Parent/Guardian/Independent Student
July 12, 2024
316-3 Form Provision of Prescription Medication Physician
July 12, 2024
316-4 Form Daily Medication Record
July 12, 2024
317 AP Life-Threatening Conditions and Allergy Management
July 12, 2024
317-1 Form Medical Alert Information
July 12, 2024
317-2 Form Student Specific Emergency Plan
July 12, 2024
317-3a Form Allergy Management (Anaphylaxis) Life-Threatening Allergy in Our School
July 12, 2024
317-4 Poster Food Safety Rules
July 12, 2024
317-5 Poster Hand Washing
July 12, 2024
317-6 Poster Nut Alert
July 12, 2024
318 AP Service Dogs in Schools
July 12, 2024
318-1 Form Request for Service Dog in School
July 12, 2024
320 AP Student Records
July 12, 2024
320-1 Form Cumulative Record
July 12, 2024
320-2 Form Request To Read Cumulative Record
July 12, 2024
320-3 Form Request for Transfer of Cumulative Record
August 30, 2024
321 AP Young Offender in Schools
July 12, 2024
330 AP Protective Services Reporting of Child Abuse
July 12, 2024
330-1 Form Confirmation of Investigation by Ministry of Social Services or Police Services
July 12, 2024
340 AP Attendance of Students
July 12, 2024
350 AP Student Conduct
July 12, 2024
350-1 Form Student Positive Behaviour Support Plan
July 12, 2024
350-2 Form Student Positive Behaviour Support Plan Review
July 12, 2024
350-3 Form Referral to Behaviour Intervention
July 12, 2024
352 AP Student Bullying and Harassment
July 12, 2024
352-3 Form Referral to Behaviour Intervention Team
July 12, 2024
353 AP Referral for Counselling Services
July 12, 2024
353-1 Form Referral for Counselling Services
July 12, 2024
353-6 Form Record of School Visit Counselling Services
July 12, 2024
353-7 Form Monthly Record of Caseload Counselling Services
July 12, 2024
353-8 Form Child and Youth Counsellor Client Satisfaction Survey
July 12, 2024
354 AP Student Use of Alcohol, Cannabis or Other Drugs
July 12, 2024
355 AP Seclusion and/or Physical Restraint
July 12, 2024
355-1 Form Seclusion and/or Physical Restraint Incident Report
July 12, 2024
356 AP Exculsion of Students for Safety or Medical Reasons
July 12, 2024
360 AP Student Discipline
August 22, 2024
360-1 Form Student Contract Template
July 12, 2024
360-2 Form Student Discipline Letter Template In-school Suspension
July 12, 2024
360-3 Form Student Discipline Letter Template 1-3 Day Out of School Suspension
July 12, 2024
360-4 Form Student Discipline Letter Template More than 3 Days Suspension
July 12, 2024
361 AP Legal/Investigative Interviews
July 12, 2024
362 AP Searches of Persons or Personal Property
July 12, 2024
370 AP Student Assessment
July 12, 2024
371 AP Student Placement
July 12, 2024
375 AP Student Awards
July 12, 2024
380 AP Student Leadership
July 12, 2024