Find Your Files

100 General Administration

100 General Administration
100 AP Decision Making
July 11, 2024
101  AP Policy and Procedures Dissemination
July 11, 2024
102 AP Review of Administrative Procedures
July 11, 2024
110 AP Learning Improvement
July 11, 2024
110-1 Form School Mission and Vision
July 11, 2024
110-2a Form School Learning Improvement Plan
July 11, 2024
110-2a Form School Learning Improvement Plan
August 21, 2024
110-2c Form REORDER Rubric (School)
July 11, 2024
110-2d Form REORDER Rubric (Classroom)
July 11, 2024
110-2e Form REORDER Rubric (Colony School)
July 11, 2024
110-3 Form School Learning Improvement Action Plan
August 21, 2024
110-4 Form School Learning Improvement Action Plan Reflection
August 21, 2024
110-5 Form School Learning Improvement Plan Annual Summary
July 11, 2024
111 AP Annual Reports
July 11, 2024
114 AP Division Office Reporting
August 22, 2024
114-1 Form Principal's Monthly Report to Superintendent
July 11, 2024
114-2 Form Year End Check List (Colony Schools)
July 11, 2024
114-2 Form Year End Check List (Division Level)
July 11, 2024
114-3 Form Year End Check List (School Level)
July 11, 2024
114-A AP Division Office Reporting (Colony Schools)
August 28, 2024
115 AP Large Scale Assessment and Data Use
July 11, 2024
120 AP School Year Calendar
July 11, 2024
130 AP School Community Council Duties
August 21, 2024
130-1 Form SCC Engagement and Alignment Plan Sun West
August 21, 2024
131 AP SCC Meeting and Election Processes
July 25, 2024
131-1 Form SCC Sample Ballot
July 11, 2024
131-2 Form SCC Contact Information
July 11, 2024
131-3 Form SCC Evaluation
July 11, 2024
132 AP SCC Finances
July 25, 2024
133 AP SCC Communications
July 30, 2024
140 AP Responsible Use of Technology
August 22, 2024
140-1 Form Student Responsible Use of Technology Acknowledgement of Understanding
July 11, 2024
140-3 Form Student Use of Technology Devices at Home
July 11, 2024
140-4 Form Student Use of Technology Devices at Home (Principal checklist)
July 11, 2024
140-5 Form Principal's Technology Support Checklist
July 11, 2024
140-6 Form Teacher's Technology Support Checklist
July 11, 2024
150 AP Organizational Communications
July 11, 2024
151 AP Inquiries and Complaints
August 23, 2024
152 AP Access to Schools
July 11, 2024
155 AP Event Protocol
July 11, 2024
160 AP Health and Safety of Students and Staff
July 11, 2024
161 AP Dangerous and Communicable Diseases
July 11, 2024
163 AP HIV and AIDS
July 11, 2024
164 AP Automated External Defibrillator Use
July 11, 2024
165 AP Smoke, Tobacco and Vape Free Environment
July 11, 2024
166 AP Nutrition
July 11, 2024
167 AP Respect for Human Diversity
July 11, 2024
167-1 Form Parent/Guardian Consent for Use of Student's Preferred First Name and Pronouns
July 11, 2024
170 AP Crisis and Trauma Response
August 21, 2024
171 AP Fire Drill and Evacuation Planning
July 11, 2024
180 AP Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
July 11, 2024
180-1 Form Parent Permission
July 11, 2024
180-2 Form Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Access to Information Request
July 11, 2024
180-3 Form Employee and Volunteer Permission for Publishing Photgraphs
July 11, 2024
181 AP Video Surveillance
July 11, 2024
185 AP Records
July 11, 2024
190 AP Copyright
July 11, 2024
190-1 Form Copyright Permission
July 11, 2024